When Should The Church Disobey Civil Authorities?
When Should The Church Disobey Civil Authorities? A Response from the Pastors of Faith Church At the moment, the state government has asked us to require mask usage in the church. The question posed to us as a church is: do we obey or disobey the government? Biblical Teaching On Civil Disobedience Two passages come […]
Why We (Now) Take the Lord’s Supper Every Week
Why We (Now) Take the Lord’s Supper Every Week By J.A. Medders This article was posted to his previous website prior to May 2019. His new website can be found here. The original article was not moved over. Redeemer Church, where I serve as the Lead Pastor, now enjoys weekly communion, instead of the once-a-month-schedule […]
Liturgy & Worship
Liturgy & Worship Faith Church Sunday Gatherings By Pastor Ryan Broadhurst What Is Liturgy? Liturgy simply means “order or plan for worship”. While there is no biblical mandate or instruction guide for the particular way to organize a Sunday Gathering, at Faith Church we want the liturgy of our Sunday Gathering to be shaped by […]
Kill Sin or Sin Will Kill You
Kill Sin or Sin Will Kill You By Pastor Godwin Sathianathan FOR IF YOU LIVE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, YOU WILL DIE; BUT IF BY THE SPIRIT YOU PUT TO DEATH THE MISDEEDS OF THE BODY, YOU WILL LIVE. ROMANS 8:13 Keep in mind that Paul here is speaking to mainly Christians, or those who think […]
How to Pray Through the Psalms
How to Pray Through the Psalms By Don Whitney The Book of Praises As a whole, the psalms comprise the best place in Scripture from which to pray Scripture. I base that on the original purpose for which God inspired the psalms. The book of Psalms—which means “book of praises” in Hebrew—was the songbook of […]
Praying for a Breakthrough
Praying for a Breakthrough By Jon Bloom A breakthrough is a military concept. When one army is able to weaken its enemy’s forces to the point of collapse, a breakthrough occurs, allowing that army to invade and take its enemy’s territory. But in war a breakthrough only really matters if it occurs at a strategic […]
Pray Big Things for Your Little Ones
Pray Big Things for Your Little Ones By Stacey Pardoe How do we pray for our children when our words seem to run dry? How do we faithfully lift them before the Lord with confidence that our prayers match hisdesires for them? When we’re not sure of how to pray, God’s word enables us to stand […]
Fasting for Beginners
Fasting for Beginners By David Mathis Chances are you are among the massive majority of Christians who rarely or never fast. It’s not because we haven’t read our Bibles or sat under faithful preaching or heard about the power of fasting, or even that we don’t genuinely want to do it. We just never actually […]
Fasting is Feasting on God
Fasting is Feasting on God By Sam Storms If there is a single driving force in our society today it may well be what I call instant self-gratification. It is into this mindset in our society that the Bible speaks about fasting. Is it any wonder that few people are listening? Nothing seems as silly to the […]
What Do You Do When You’re In the Pit?
What Do You Do When You’re In the Pit? By Godwin Sathianathan The first time I heard the words to Psalm 40 was not in a sermon or a Bible study. It was from the lips of U2’s Bono. U2 put the first three verses of this psalm to a song in “40” on their album War. […]
Your 7 Job Responsibilities as a Church Member
Your 7 Job Responsibilities as a Church Member By Jonathan Leeman When you hear the words “church government,” what do you think? Members’ meetings? Elder board rooms? Fights over the budget or the color of the carpet? Too often it can seem that way. Yet church government should involve so much more. In fact, it should tie into the everyday life of the […]
Is Church Membership Biblical?
Is Church Membership Biblical? By Matt Chandler “The spouse of Christ cannot be adulterous; she is uncorrupted and pure. She knows one home; she guards with chaste modesty the sanctity of one couch. She keeps us for God. She appoints the sons whom she has born for the kingdom. Whoever is separated from the Church […]
Making the Most of Your Bible Reading Time
Making the Most of Your Bible Reading Time During college I struggled with one of the essential practices of Christianity: daily, focused communion with God through Bible reading and prayer. I knew I should do it. I could quote most of the scripture references about why reading the Bible is crucial. I even learned […]
Grow a Disciple-Making Culture in Your Church
Grow a Disciple-Making Culture in Your Church I owe a significant debt to four men and three churches who, over the years, became my spiritual fathers and families. These wonderful people walked alongside me through troubling and joyful times. They prayed with me, mentored me, and laughed with me. They celebrated my victories and […]