February 8 // 7:00PM

Socialism is a political and moral ideology that is growing in popularity in our culture, especially among young people. There are many proponents in all areas of our culture, as well as many detractors. How should we as Christians think about socialism? Does it fit within a Biblical worldview?
Faith students are invited to attend a debate on this topic, featuring two members and former elders of Faith Church, Bruce Chester and Dave Calderhead. In this informative debate, Mr. Calderhead will argue that socialism is a needed remedy for our country, which Mr. Chester will argue that socialism is essentially bad for our country. There will be time at the end of the debate for questions and conversation.

The debate will take place on February 8 at 7:00pm. Space is limited for this event, there is only room for approximately 15 students. Sign up by Jan 29 to reserve your spot. After registration closes, the address of the host home will be sent to the email used to register.