Faith Church Online Giving

Thank you for your interest in supporting the ministry of Faith Church through on-line giving. We believe that giving is an act of worship and is one way to show gratitude to our God who provides us with everything. (1 Tim 6:7)

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)

Continue directly to InFellowship online giving, or remain on this page to learn more about how Faith Church receives, processes and stewards your generous financial gifts.

Quick Getting Started Steps:

  1. Using the link above, register for an account on our online system, InFellowship. Be sure to check your email for a confirmation message to confirm your account.
  2. Fully complete your profile so we have your latest information and opt-in to the online church directory if that link is available.
  3. Give! Use the Give Now or Scheduled Giving links to contribute to Faith Church.

    Hint: If you signed up using information we already have on record for you, you will be able to see your past giving history immediately and can access the online church directory. If you don’t see your giving history or the directory link, that’s okay too… Your new InFellowship account will be matched to your existing information in 7 to 10 days. Anything you contribute in the meantime will still be included in your giving history after matching.

Offerings 7/30/2017

Weekly Need: $28,654

Ministry Offerings 7-30: $18,887

Wk of 7-30: UNDER ($9,767)

Budget YTD: $515,770

Ministry Offerings YTD: $401,847

Compared to Budget YTD: UNDER ($113,923)

Offerings to Facilities Maintenance Fund as of 7-30-2017: $133,311 towards the goal of $193,000

Faith Upward Update, as of 6-30-2017:

Offerings, June 2017: $790

Mortgage Balance: $511,978

What Happens to a Dollar at Faith Church?

Thank you for giving as a part of the family at Faith Church. We believe that the only way we can together accomplish our mission of making more and better disciples of Jesus, here and around the world, is when we all give sacrificially to build His kingdom. With that said, here’s what happens with every dollar that’s given at Faith Church.