
J-Term Women’s Bible Study

January 11 – Feb 1 // MPR // Morning & Evening Sessions

Philippians: In Pursuit of Christ, our Unshakeable Joy

Join Women’s Ministry for our 4-week J-Term Bible Study as we read through the book of Philippians. When Paul was imprisoned in Rome, it could have understandably been one of the darkest times in his life. And yet, the book of Philippians, the letter he penned during his imprisonment, is widely known as a letter of great joy. How is this possible? Join us this January as we learn how to read the book of Philippians together and discover how Paul rooted himself in Christ, his unshakeable joy. We will learn and apply tools and principles to help us understand, interpret and apply the text.

Bekka French will teach the morning session. The evening session will be led by Jennifer French.
Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30am | Thursday Evenings 7-9pm
Childcare is available on Thursday mornings (deadline to register for childcare is Jan. 4).
We have Biblical exposition journals meant for in-depth Bible study available for purchase that will be used for the weekly homework assignments. Please purchase them through our registration form.
We are so excited for this session of Women’s Bible study as we fellowship and study God’s Word together.