Family Roller Skating Party
May 25 // 7-9pm // Castle Skateland
The end of the school year is almost here! To celebrate, Faith Student Ministry is hosting a Family Roller Skating Party on May 25 from 7-9pm. Instead of meeting at the church for our regularly-scheduled LifeGroups and Journey, we will meet at Castle Skateland (980 Loveland Madeira Rd, Loveland, OH 45140).
All students in grades 7-12 are invited, along with their families. We are looking forward to a great time for students to have fun with their parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, or anyone else who can join us. Friends and their families are also invited.
There is no charge for admission, skate rental is available for $2. In addition, we are collecting money for Master Provisions. We have loved serving alongside of them the past several months, and are excited to be able to donate to their ministry here in the local Cincinnati area and all around the world. We will be accepting donations at the rink on May 25. Learn more about Master Provisions by visiting www.masterprovisions.org
If you have any questions, please contact Pam in the church office.