
Affirmation Voting for the Associate Pastor of Student & Discipleship Ministries

June 26th // In Person & Online

We will hold an Affirmation Vote on June 26th for the Associate Pastor of Student and Discipleship Ministries position. Ryan Troglin is our candidate.

Voting will available in the Life Center lobby during the following times:

June 19 & 26 • 8:45am – 12:15pm (Sundays – before and after services)

Absentee voting will begin June 20th and will be available in the church office during the following times:

June 20 – 23 • 8:30am – 4:00pm (Weekdays)

Online absentee voting is available starting the 19th. An email was sent to members.

*This link will take you to a password protected page. The email sent to members includes the password in the Voting Instructions pdf.