What do you want to do today?


We would greatly appreciate requests being filled out 6-8 weeks prior to your event/communication. This will allow us ample time to create graphics and confirm with you, plus putting it in our advertising schedule.

We normally advertise an event/communication more than two weeks before its start date. 

With Communication Requests, we will try our best to honor your advertising dates request, but we cannot guarantee any dates. 

If you have any questions, please email Ashley Friedland (afriedland@faithchurch.net)

Schedule a Faith Church Event

To get started, please read the following before clicking the icons.


Please fill out a Communications Request for any event or notification you wish Faith Church to advertise in our weekly communications (i.e. bulletin, newsletter, etc.).

Please fill out an Event Request for any event you’d like to hold at Faith Church, even if you do not wish to use any resources (i.e. A/V, kitchen, etc.).

For an event you’d like advertised, like a bible study, please fill out both the Communications Request and Event Request so we can plan for building use and advertisement space.

If you have any questions, please email afriedland@faithchurch.net

Schedule a Non-Church-Related Event

Just follow the steps by clicking the icons below.

Request Communications

Please fill out the appropriate section of the form below.

Communications Request: fill out for any event or notification you wish Faith Church to advertise in our weekly communications (i.e. bulletin, newsletter, etc.).

For an event you’d like advertised, like a bible study, please fill out both the Communications Request and Event Request so we can plan for building use and advertisement space.

If you have any questions, please email afriedland@faithchurch.net

Need Help?

We’re happy to answer your questions.