Deacons and Deaconesses care for the basic necessities of the church body by functioning as servants of the church, especially in temporal matters. With the assistance of the Caring Ministries staff, deacons and deaconesses are involved in visiting the sick, meeting financial needs through the benevolence fund, and addressing needs that arise from emergencies, unusual pressures, and stress. They seek to make contact with those who are infrequent in church attendance and seek to regularly pray for all those with specific prayer needs. Deacons and deaconesses may be tasked by the Elder Board in regard to other specific duties or functions as determined by the needs and ministry of the church.
There are fourteen to eighteen members, nominated by the nominating team and approved individually by the congregation. The total composition must be a minimum of 40% male and 40% female. They are to meet the qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-12.
See our Elders & Deacons page for current members.