An Evening with Dr. Jim Hamilton

Nov 24 // 5:30-8:00pm // Faith Church (5910 Price Rd, Milford)

We would like to invite Cincinnati-region Elders (staff and non-staff) and their spouses, along with Faith Church folks, to this special evening with Dr. Jim Hamilton. During this evening, we will fellowship around dinner, Dr. Hamilton will deliver an edifying lecture, and then Pastor Godwin will facilitate a Q/A session with Dr. Hamilton (see below for more details). Our hope and prayer is that this event will foster sweet fellowship among Cincinnati saints and strengthen all of us together. There will be no childcare provided for this event.

Dinner (5:30-6:30p) 
“Psalms, Suffering, and the Saints” delivered by Dr. Jim Hamilton (6:30-7:30p) 
Q/A with Dr. Jim Hamilton, facilitated by Pastor Godwin Sathianathan (7:30-8p) 

About Jim Hamilton:

Dr. Hamilton has served as Professor of Biblical Theology at Southern Seminary since 2008. He has written numerous books and commentaries that strengthen the Church and equip God’s people for the work of ministry, including an exceptional two volume commentary on Psalms in the Evangelical Biblical Theology series. Hamilton is currently the senior pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is also one of the contributors to the Bible Talk podcast (Apple | Spotify). He is married to Jillian, and they have five children.