Applying Biblical Wisdom to Parenting
February 27-May 29; Thursday evening sessions//Life Center
Join Paul and Laura Kingsley for an 8 session class exploring practical ways to apply Biblical wisdom in parenting your toddlers through teens. We will meet roughly ever other Thursday, from 6:30-8 pm. If registering, both parents must commit to the class unless it’s a single parent household. Childcare at church is available but limited so register for the class and childcare early. Questions? Contact Laura Kingsley at lrkingsley8@gmail.com.
Class Structure
• Review/Discuss application from previous weeks (week 2+)
• Presentation of new material
• Q&R
• Homework assignment
• Optional meals scheduled occasionally throughout for community building and opportunity for more Q&R
Expectations of Participating in Class
• Both parents must commit to the class unless it’s a single parent household.
• Need to attend each session because the concepts and application build upon the previous sessions. In the rare occasion when someone must miss, need to make arrangements to make up the session (Dads with Paul, Moms with Laura) If unable to commit to regular attendance, suggest waiting for a season when you can. We plan (God willing) to do this class again.
• Agree to maintain confidentiality with what people share in class unless given express permission to share a story.
• Homework each session in the form of applications or “to do’s” with your family
• Watch-out: Agree not to share parenting advice with others unless they request it.
• There will be 8 sessions with breaks between sessions to allow time for application and practice at home. (So the class will span more than 8 weeks)
• Childcare provided—asking each family who uses it to contribute $5 per child per session to help cover the cost
• If interested we can set up a class discussion thread on either GroupMe, Discord, or text thread.