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All Church Sunday School

Feb 16 // 9am // Sanctuary

Come listen to Dr. Christopher Jero, Old Testament scholar and teacher, share his insights on this fascinating book of Ecclesiastes. He will help us understand its main message and give us direction on how to approach this book so we can mine its wealth of wisdom. This will be a great way to prepare for the sermon series ahead. You don’t want to miss it!

About Dr. Christopher Jero:

Dr. Christopher Jero is a former violinist to whom God gave a passion for making Him known through the Holy Scriptures. Believing that there is no more intimate way of communing with God in Scripture than through the original languages, Dr. Jero pursued an M.A. in Old Testament from Columbia International University and a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Cognate Studies from Hebrew Union College. He seeks to be an instrument by which God inspires the same passion in his students as he teaches Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Biblical Hermeneutics, Greek, and Hebrew in the MHA Rhetoric School. Christopher and his wife Rebecca have four children, including one MHA alumnus and three MHA students. The family attends the Bible Chapel of Delhi Hills.