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Our Food Pantry meets the need of a number of families in our congregation as well as several families from the community who are met with some food and a friendly face willing to talk and pray with them. The community outreach day is the 3rd Thursday of the month from 1-3 pm.

You can help us in several ways:
1. Bring in food – canned items, dish and laundry soap, paper products, peanut butter. To see a full list, click here.

2. Donate money or gift cards to the Food Pantry for our volunteers to use to stock what we need. Fast food/restaurant gift cards would be a special treat to someone living on a small income. Just mark your check or gift card for the Food Pantry and put it in the offering boxes or on the carts in the small closet by the Bibles.

3. Register and use your Kroger Community Rewards card. We get a quarterly check based on your purchases with a card that has been connected to us. www.Kroger.com/communityrewards

4.  Pray for the community outreach through the Food Pantry on the 3rd Thursday each month from 1-3pm.

5.  Volunteer to help us. To learn more ask Becky Fair by email or at (513) 276-7566.